Housing Loan

The Bank provides financial accommodation for purchase of only new vehicles for individuals, Small Road Transport Operators and others. Besides, hypothecation of the vehicle, collateral securities are required to avail the loan facility.

What's New

Shri Rajesh Prabhakar Patil, IAS
Commissioner-Cum-Secretary Government of Odisha,Cooperation Dept.
Sri T. Prasad Rao Dora
Sri Siddhartha Das,IAS,
Managing Director

Latest News

  • The OSCB bagged Best Performance Award from the National Federation of State Cooperative Banks (NAFSCOB) for the year 2012-13 for its Overall Performance Excellence in all parameters. The award was given on 20.07.2014 at Ahmedabad in the concluding session of the National Seminar organized by the Federation. The Management-in-charge of the Bank, Sri Bishnupada Sethi, IAS and Sri Tusharkanti Panda, Managing Director were also felicitated by the Federation for contributing to the overall performance of the Bank.


Important Update

  • The Core Banking Solution (CBS) Project of OSCB and DCCBs has been successfully implemented by connecting 355 units to the Core Banking Data Management Centre in the premises of the Odisha State Cooperative Bank.